“By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established”.
Proverbs 24:3

Fishers of Men has a house in Springwood with 6 huge bedrooms, 2 lounge rooms, 2 bathrooms and a large outside undercover area.
Fishers of Men has helped addicts and homeless realize their full potential. “LORIMER” is a fully accredited residential service aimed at rehabilitating and encouraging men to abstain from addictions. It has been a respite from the storm for many troubled people seeking refuge from their problems and an alternative in Christ. A fully supported program is provided and many excellent volunteers facilitate this ongoing work. The house is registered as a therapeutic model for 12 residents which includes 2 leaders. Access to previous destructive relationships (drugs dealers etc..) are prohibited and financial restrictions are put in a place. During the first phase, it is expected that the resident participate in all activities scheduled in the house program, complete phase 1&2 of “Growing deep and Strong” and attend appointments with service doctors, counselors and the Christian psychologist associated with Fishers of Men. After six months, depending on each resident’s progress and case by case assessment, individual freedoms are gradually re-introduced, and the residents response to those monitored to see if they are able to cope with added responsibilities. Whilst Fishers of Men aims to direct people away from their life controlling behaviours and focus them instead on Christ, part of this process often involves assisting residents with recognising goals and putting in place step by step plans to achieve those goals. Whether it be assisting in life-skills acquisition (driver licences etc..), further tertiary or vocational education, savings plans, etc….Fishers of Men aims to help the person address whatever is necessary in order to achieve success in their lives, to the point that they live for Christ and in turn can help others.
As a result of this ministry, many have made positive changes in their lives. We’ve seen hardened criminals change and become positive members of society, with families and legitimate jobs. People who were chronically homeless because of their addictions, now able to rent their own private accommodation and keep their heads above water. We’ve assisted people in the obtainment of drivers licenses, aided with literacy, supported others through detox and consequent rehabilitation. Always, we aim to love and care for the whole person and point them towards Christ.

COMMITMENT: Open ended, usually around 9 months to 1 year to benefit the most from the program. Minimum commitment 6 months.
FOCUS: Christ-centred holistic rehabilitation program
- Prospective resident must be male, 18 or over, eligible for Centrelink assistance
- Someone willing to participate in a Christian based program
- Someone whose medical condition does not preclude them from active participation in the program.
- Someone who wants to change their lives.
WHAT’S INVOLVED: The discipleship house has a holistic program, addressing clients physical, emotional and spiritual needs, including:
- peer group support
- anger management training
- confidential counselling
- community participation
- access to medical practitioners
- discipleship program
- work program
- social activities
- assistance with the acquisition of basic life skills.
- ensuring Centrelink and other associated services appointments and requirements are fulfilled.
- transportation to all events
- consideration of residents goals on a case by case basis.
COST: $230 per week board and lodging, (includes room, food, electricity and all of the above).
- Give us a call: (07) 33410160 to express interest and find out more.
- We will arrange an assessment interview.
- Be ready with two weeks rent in advance, or enter 1 or 2 days before next pay day.
- We may refer individuals to a 5 day detox at Ozcare men’s facility prior to entry if this is deemed necessary.
- Receive a call regarding acceptance and admission, be ready for change!!
HOURS: Operational 24/7
Read about the current house leader Leader, Steve here.