Fishers of Men is an inter-denominational Christian charity ministering without distinction to those who are homeless, at threat of homelessness, or poor or needy.

Our Story

Fishers of Men is
all about helping people both practically and spiritually.  Bobby Mearns,
founding director and chairman was a heroin addict for over 20 years who got
set free from addiction in a Hong Kong based rehabilitation program run by
Jackie Pullinger, he has now been “clean” for over 25 years.  Bobby met
Branwen, an Aussie, who was living in Hong Kong and smuggling Bibles to China,
they moved to Australia, married, and started serving the poor almost
immediately.  Fishers of Men was born out of a heart to share the love of
Christ with people practically


Fishers of Men has over 100 volunteers from a variety of Brisbane based churches. Volunteers range from doctors/solicitors to pensioners and ex-addicts all contributing their time freely for the benefit of others as they support them through difficult times with a variety of charitable programs. 

After providing food, blankets and clothes to homeless people in Brisbane for many years, Fishers of Men recognized a need to provide further care and assistance for people with addictions. “Lorimer” was opened in 2006 as a means of providing residential support for those who really wanted help to change. The “Freedom from Addiction” program offered, provides residents with emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual support in an effort to help facilitate recovery. Since inception, another 2 “Second Stage” houses have been opened to further assist men transitioning to a “normal” independent life after completing the first stage. As donations of furniture and other household items were received, Fishers of Men began to support those who has been homeless receiving accommodation with free furniture and household items, turning houses into homes where possible. The enterprise has grown to the point where many people experiencing crisis situations have been able to receive help in their time of need. 

Fishers of Men’s Foundation is Christ. As we look to Him, the one who enables recovery and freedom from addiction, who cares for the needs of all, regardless of their background, ethnicity, religion, or gender, we seek to reach out to others and share the love that he has given us practically as resources allow. Through the display of Christ’s love in action, many lives have been transformed and changed with hope for the future.

What We Do

With the onset of covid, Fishers of Men stopped having public meetings until it was safe to do so, instead, our team began cooking food for people in need and taking it to them – to parks in Logan and the city, and places where people were shut in and in need.

First Sunday Of The Month

At the Underwood Park Community Hall, we bus the homeless and needy in, have a fellowship meal and share Jesus with all who come.

There are blankets, clothes, food parcels, fruit and veg, and bread to take away.

As part of a response to homelessness and helping people in crisis situations, Fishers of Men receives donations of furniture from the public.

These go to people escaping domestic violence, and those exiting crisis and cycles of homelessness or addiction.

FOM assists men who want to exit crisis cycles brought on by addiction with the provision of 3 community based therapeutic houses. The Freedom from addiction program offered has several stages. As men progress through their recovery, they are supported as they transition to indpendence in a safe environment.
Once or twice a year FOM holds a mammoth garage sale with donated items. Keep an eye out for notification of these!

Fund Raising Car Wash:

Every Saturday 9am – 4pm

New Heart Baptist Church

199 Rochedale Rd, Rochedale

WASH: Car $25,
SUV $30, 4WD $35

Car $65,
SUV $80, 4WD $80


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